Canada is nicknamed as the great white north, for its location facing towards the north pole of earth. Due to this reason, Canada is a country where snow falls during winter.
Many northern areas of the country are usually covered in snow and fog throughout the year, where surviving is only possible for the natives who had been there for centuries or more.
Indian students had to take extra care in 2024-2025
Indian students who are newly enrolled for courses in Canada as well as who are facing their first hand and harsh winter has to take precautions so that the cold might not affect you.
There is a big chance that, students and workers who have already gone from India or are preparing to go to canada face a troublesome situation due to the climate.
The erratic changes in climate and sudden change in the entire atmosphere can affect Indians mentally as well as physically.
Indians have a chance to face severe problems due to the intense weather change
Indians who have lived and survived in the coldest parts of India like Himachal or nearby the Himalayas won’t find it hard, but 95% of the remaining country is a part of the tropical climate of earth. Since India’s position is closer to the equator, people living here are familiar and adaptive to a hot and warmer climate.
Their body and brain have adapted to the moderate climate of India which can sustain the summer, autumn and rain no matter what. But winter is something different.
The issues faced by Indians for the winter in Canada

First of all, lack of sunlight can cause difficulties related to skin, sight and vitamin deficiency in general. It is best to take a-z type vitamin tablets throughout the winter to reduce the risk of a vitamin deficiency.
Since the climate will be so cold, throats which are familiar with warm air can get infected or flu easily. Regularly drink warm water, eat warm food and use masks or other forms of shawls or turbans to protect your neck and cold air going into the mouth while talking or breathing.
Headaches will be a common thing due to the liquid movement inside the body being affected by the weather. So, wear thermals inside normal clothes or jackets to preserve your body temperature and avoid risks of getting exposed to cold climates.
Variation in temperature automatically invokes a variation in pressure. This will also create issues related to vision, hearing, balance, breathing and overall well being. So, be brilliant enough to cover up before exposing yourself into open cold air.
Peculiarities and precautions to take for winter of 2025 in Canada
The winter of 2025 is expected to start around December second week where the snowfall starts throughout the country. By mid November, northern parts will start receiving snow falls, but most of the students or population are living in the cities to the south of the country.
Since November marks the end of fall, this year the temperature has already crossed 0 to minus degree meaning that the winter is going to be much colder than anticipated.
So, it is expected to have a single digit temperature in Celsius scale during the day time and will be a minus from dusk to the next dawn. Since daylight will be available for lesser hours, students and working people should try to travel accordingly to work or college. Better to travel together as a group than going alone.
By the end of the fall itself, the capital city of Ottawa has seen -1 degree Celsius implying that the winter will be much harsher. It is expected to cross -10 to -15 degree Celsius range during the mid December to mid February period, which is the harsher period of winter.
Choosing the best garments for the winter in Canada

It is the best practise to replace or use thermal pants and tops along with the inner wears as per comfort under the normal dresses you wear.
Use the winter jackets and winter pants above them. Make sure to cover your wrist with proper air tight gloves, cover your necks with a shawl or scarf and if necessary use a cloth mask made of cotton or wool.
Merino wool is the best kind of wool that is apt for the Canadian winter. Make sure your outer garments like jackets and coats are water proof since the chances of snow to melt and getting the wool or dress wet is highly likely to happen.
Also, buy a waterproof cover for your bags to use while going outside.
Make sure to use winter boots with proper high heeling and thickness to ensure the cold and snow doesn’t affect your feet.
It’s better to use long stockings or socks since there will definitely be a gap between the neck of the boots and the end opening of pants. Even if the air rushes inside the pants, it shall not affect your legs if you wear a lengthy one, most preferably made of wool.
Columbia Winter wear is one good brand of which you can buy the winter clothes. Google it to know more or check your nearby stores.